Sipping Coffee, Sharing Wisdom

Since early 2023, I've been conducting CTO-Intern catchup sessions where I meet with new interns in batches over coffee to get to know them individually. During these sessions, I typically inquire about their backgrounds, motivations, and hobbies. Towards the end of the catchup, I allow them to ask me anything, with each person having the opportunity to pose one question. Thus far, I've noticed many recurring questions, which I'll summarize in this post for future reference. 😁

CTO-Intern Catchup - Malang, Nov 2023

1. What's the biggest lesson you've learned in your career so far?

The most significant lesson I've learned in my career is the importance of adaptability and growth mindset. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and being able to adapt to change quickly and effectively is crucial for success. Growth mindset has enabled me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, view failures as learning experiences, and persist in the face of setbacks.

Source: Deepstash

2. How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively?

Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively is essential, particularly in a fast-paced environment like ours. I rely on planning, delegation, and time management techniques to stay organized and focused. This includes setting clear goals and priorities, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and utilizing tools like Google Calendar and Google Tasks to track progress and deadlines. Additionally, I prioritize tasks based on their impact and urgency, focusing on those that will have the greatest positive outcome for the company.

Read: Efficient Productivity Matrix

3. What qualities do you look for in potential future leaders?

When identifying potential future leaders, I seek a combination of strong interpersonal skills, strategic thinking, and a growth mindset. Effective leaders not only inspire and motivate others but also possess the vision and strategic acumen to propel the company forward. They should demonstrate a willingness to continuously learn and grow, as well as the ability to navigate ambiguity and lead through uncertainty.

Source: LifeHack

My Year in Review: 2023

In 2023, I found myself becoming more involved in running, as reflected in my blog posts this year. This post serves as my annual reflection on the events of 2023. I hope we can extract some lessons from these experiences.

2023 : Year of Running


As the new year started, we got busy planning and setting goals for 2023. Alongside our work, I made time for running. On January 1st, I ran 23 kilometers to celebrate the beginning of the year. Also, I started training for a marathon and accomplished something big: I ran over 30 kilometers for the first time ever. These achievements gave me a boost of energy and determination for the year ahead, both in my personal life and in leading Suitmedia.


It was a month filled with new challenges and exciting experiences. I continued to push my limits in running, achieving a significant milestone by conquering a route with over 1000 meters of elevation gain for the first time. The next day, I participated in the Run Against Cancer (RAC) 2023 event in Semarang, completing a 10-kilometer run to contribute to this meaningful cause. As part of my marathon training journey, I reached a peak distance of 38 kilometers, pushing through both physical and mental barriers in preparation for my debut marathon.


It was an unforgettable month filled with significant milestones and exciting adventures. I achieved a significant milestone by completing my debut marathon at the Tokyo Marathon 2023, a journey filled with determination and triumph. Following this exhilarating experience, I embarked on a nostalgic journey to South Korea after several years, exploring the vibrant cities of Busan, Daegu, and Seoul. The highlight of my time in South Korea was reuniting with my KAIST classmates to celebrate a decade of friendship, reminiscing about old times and creating new memories together. In Seoul, I also had the opportunity to participate in the half marathon event (R2) of the Seoul Marathon 2023, adding another memorable race to my repertoire.  To cap off the month in style, I traveled back to Japan to meet my girlfriend, immersing ourselves in the enchanting landscapes and rich heritage of Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and Tokyo.

Borobudur Marathon 2023

Borobudur Marathon merupakan salah satu ajang lari marathon terbesar di Indonesia, selain Bandung (PSRI), Bali (MBM), dan Jakarta Marathon. Melalui tulisan blog ini, saya mau berbagi pengalaman saya dalam berpartisipasi di marathon ketiga dalam hidup saya, setelah Tokyo dan Bandung.

Borobudur Marathon 2023

Bagian I : Persiapan Marathon

Setelah menjalani latihan intensif bersama ASICS Marathon Team, saya banyak belajar hal baru, terutama tentang bagaimana berlatih marathon dengan baik, serta jenis makanan (fueling) yang diperlukan oleh tubuh sebelum, selama, dan setelah lari. Saya bertekad untuk mencapai hasil terbaik di Borobudur Marathon, meskipun saya sadar bahwa rute di Borobudur lebih sulit daripada di Bandung, karena terdapat banyak tanjakan curam dan cuaca yang jauh lebih panas.

Mengingat pengalaman saya dalam latihan intensif untuk Pocari Sweat Run, saya memutuskan untuk membentuk sebuah komunitas kecil untuk berlatih bersama, yaitu dengan Iwan dan Adnan, keduanya adalah rekan kerja saya di Suitmedia yang juga mendaftar untuk Borobudur Marathon 2023. Saya membagikan menu latihan saya kepada mereka sebagai panduan untuk mempersiapkan diri selama 12 minggu sebelum hari perlombaan.

Suitmedia Marathon Team 2023

Secara dasar, menu latihan saya mirip dengan yang saya lakukan bersama coach Andriyanto, dengan sedikit penyesuaian pada jarak dan target pace. Menu latihan saya selama 12 minggu secara garis besar adalah: easy run 10 km (setiap Selasa dan Jumat), interval/tempo run (setiap Rabu), dan long run 16-30 km (setiap Minggu).

Week 1-3 : Base Building

Minggu pertama periode latihan saya bertepatan dengan minggu pemulihan setelah lomba half marathon di Maybank Marathon 2023, jadi jarak tempuh saya masih sedikit, hanya 35 km per minggu. Selama dua minggu di Bali, saya lebih banyak melakukan easy run, termasuk easy long run, sehingga target pace tidak terlalu ambisius. Saya baru bisa kembali melakukan long run dengan target pace yang sesungguhnya ketika sudah kembali ke Jakarta dan bergabung dalam long run bersama Road to Jakarta Marathon. Jarak tempuh mingguan saya pun perlahan-lahan naik menjadi 42-51 km.